Now Hiring...
We're hiring for next school year! Share with friends or family you have that would be interested in coming to work at Smithton School.
We aren't even back to school yet and we're already thinking about DONUTS!!
Happy New Year Smithton Familes!
Click here to see the December 2022 Board Brief from Dr. Castelli...
FLASH SALE: Save 25% on all spirit wear Dec 26th - 28th! Stay warm with Smithton Elementary School hoodies, jackets tees and hats! Visit
Merry Christmas!
Here are pictures from Mrs. Wheatley's Christmas Party. They had a "minute to win it" Oreo challenge, a gumdrop stem challenge, and sock exchange.
Mrs. LaFrence’s 5th grade class demonstrated their understanding of cubic volume by creating holiday themed 3-D figures! Each group was challenged to make 3-D cubes and build a figure that was holiday themed. The groups then had to identify the total volume of their holiday figure. The groups were very creative with their festive creations!
For our FINAL day of the "12 Days of Schoomas" tomorrow, DRESS AS FESTIVE AS POSSIBLE!
Happy Holidays Smithton Students!
Our Positive Referral Pantry is reopened! Thank you parents for all your help so far! Our Positive Referal program is so popular we are starting to run low on goodies already! All donations from our Amazon Wishlist are appreciated!!
Tomorrow, on Day 11 of the "12 Days of Schoolmas" don't forget to DRESS LIKE A SNOWFLAKE (blue & white)!
6th Graders wrote Christmas Cards to be sent to the Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington DC as part of their Christmas Tradition Project.
Tomorrow, on Day 10 of the "12 Days of Schoolmas" don't forget to wear FESTIVE HATS AND FESTIVE HAIR!
Tomorrow, on Day 9 of the "12 Days of Schoolmas" don't forget to DRESS LIKE A WRAPPED PRESENT!
Check the Lost & Found! All leftover items after 12/21/22 WILL BE DONATED!
Tomorrow, on Day 8 of the "12 Days of Schoolmas" don't forget to DRESS LIKE A CANDY CANE (red & white)!
Here are some pictures of Mrs Walls class in their Christmas Pajamas yesterday and Mrs. Kapp's friends in their plaid today!
Tomorrow, on Day 7 of the "12 Days of Schoolmas" don't forget to wear CHRISTMAS PLAID or FLANNEL!
Thank you Smithton families for your generous donations from our Indoor Recess list on Amazon! We are so blessed to have such giving and thoughful families!