Halfway through National Library Week, we asked Mrs. Macke: "What does a typical day in the library look like for you?"

Mrs. Benedick, Mrs. Lester & Mrs. Nicks - We LOVE our secretaries!

"E is for Exercise" on Tuesday in Kindergarten's ABC Countdown!

Today, on Day 2 of National Library Week, we asked Mrs. Macke: "What do you envision for the future of our Smithton School Library?"

Smithton spirit wear makes for a great Mother's Day gift! We've dropped new designs for moms and grandmas. Order by May 3rd to ensure delivery before Mother's Day. Visit https://1stplacespiritwear.com/collection/29355/?type=Family+Designs&fr=mom
We are extending our sale on mesh shorts for 1 more week. They are marked down 25% to just $20.99 through Sunday!

This week is National Library Week and we decided to focus on our school librarian, Mrs. Macke! We asked Mrs. Macke some questions to learn more about her and our school library! We'll feature one question each day this week as we celebrate National Library Week !
Today we asked Mrs. Macke : "What are some of your favorite children's books?"

"C" was for Cookie on Friday in Kindergartens's ABC Countdown. Here is Mrs. Brueggemann's class enjoying the theme!

We are hiring!
Our wonderful Reading teacher Mrs. Borgschulte will be retiring at the end of this school year and we will need to fill her vacated position. Please share!

Don't forget to dine in or carryout at Papa Vito's Smithton this Friday! Mention Smithton School and 10% of your order will be donated to our 8th Grade Class Trip.

The boys Let Me Run team finished their season yesterday with a 5K at Smithton Park. Way to go boys!

Limited Time: Save 25% on all mesh shorts in the Smithton spirit wear store through Sunday. Visit https://1stplacespiritwear.com/collection/29355/?style=Shorts

Check out this month's Smithton Library newsletter! They are having therapy dogs this Saturday from 10-11! See link to register.

Last Week in STEM...Kindergarten & 1st Grade sorted and counted beans while 2nd Grade "planted" seeds in plastic gloves.

Mr. Sehr's 5th grade has been practicing the engineering process! Today, students helped solve a problem for NASA. Using limited materials, they had to land a rover (aka ping pong ball) in the center of Apollo’s Crater to see if it could be a suitable place for a human colony! #Engineering #ScienceRules

Limited Time: Save $7 on all baseball tees in the Smithton spirit wear store through Sunday. Visit https://1stplacespiritwear.com/collection/29355/?style=Baseball+Tee

Any incoming 3rd-8th Graders interested in attending baseball camp at FCHS in early June - please find the registration form here or on our virtual backpack online!

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. TOMORROW, Wednesday April 12th - wear blue and donate $1 to receive blue beads from the Character Council!

The Easter Bunny came to Smithton School today and we had a great time on our Easter Egg hunts!
Happy Easter everyone! We'll see you back at school on Tuesday!

Congratulations to our 28 new NJHS inductees! New members were inducted via a ceremony held at school last week.

Today we celebrated the Cardinals Opening Day by wearing our coolest Cardinals gear! Here are some class pictures of some of our elementary classes.